The Cincinnati Rollergirls’ 2014 end of season awards party took place at the Northside Tavern on Saturday, Dec. 13. Congrats to all the winners and nominees!

PEZ Achievement Awards

PEZ is CRG’s Player Evaluation “Zystem.” Averages are accumulated based on peer evaluations of skater performance in a series of predetermined skills, provided on a game-by-game basis throughout the season.
PEZ Achievement in Hitting
Highest Season Average: Nuk’em
Runners-Up: Cincy Psych-O, Sprint Julep
Greatest Improvement: Sista Shovechild, Cherry Choke
PEZ Achievement in Stability (ability to receive hits)
Highest Season Average: Nuk’em
Runners-Up: Skunna Hurt, Sailor Scary
Greatest Improvement: Mama Crass, Sista Shovechild
PEZ Achievement in Stalling
Highest Season Average: Hot Slice
Runners-Up: Sailor Scary, Nuk’em
Greatest Improvement: Polly Rocket, Sista Shovechild
PEZ Achievement in Escapes (ability to escape stall blocks)
Greatest Improvement: Sista Shovechild
Runners-Up: Cherry Choke, Obie Haive
Highest Season Averages: Sprint Julep, Nuk’em, Wheezy
PEZ Achievement in Discipline (average penalties per game)
Highest Season Average (fewest penalties): Poppy Chulo
Runners-Up: Obie Haive, Hannah Barbaric
PEZ Achievement in Adaptability
Highest Season Average: Wheezy
Runners-Up: Nuk’em, Hannah Barbaric
Greatest Improvement: Obie Haive, Imma Tattooher, Anne Bones
All-Around PEZ Achievement (averages of above categories)
Highest Season Average: Nuk’em
Runners-Up: Hannah Barbaric, Hot Slice
Deadliest Weapon (highest average based on hitting, stalling, discipline and adaptability scores)
Highest Season Average: Hannah Barbaric
Runners-Up: Wheezy, Nuk’em
The Unsinkable (highest average based on stability and escape scores)
Highest Season Average: Nuk’em
Runners-Up: Sprint Julep, Skunna Hurt

Other Stats-Based Awards

High Roller (most points scored in 2014): Tru D. Vicious (623)
Runners-Up: Hot Slice (329), Ruthless Chris (304)
Warrior I (most jams skated in 2014): Nuk’em (242)
Runners-Up: ¡I, Caramba! (237), Cherry Choke (235)
Warrior II (most jams skated as a jammer in 2014): Tru D. Vicious (170)
Runners-Up: Ruthless Chris (97), Hot Slice (82)
Fewest Penalties: Poppy Chulo (0)
Runners-Up: Obie Haive (3), Jillian Dollaz (6)
Impact Player Award (highest score based on total season jams skated X PEZ adaptability average X discipline average): ¡I, Caramba!
Runners-Up: Poppy Chulo, Cherry Choke
Rookie of the Year (first-year skater with highest impact player score and highest all-around average): Skunna Hurt
Runners-Up: Jenocide, Jillian Dollaz
Climber (exceptional increase in on-track impact or greatest all-around PEZ score improvement)
Increase in On-Track Impact: MIRDERHER
Runners-Up: Poppy Chulo, Tru D. Vicious
Greatest All-Around PEZ Improvement: Sista Shovechild, Cherry Choke

Special Recognitions

Coaches’ Award (awarded by coaches Quad Almighty, Tink and Bombtrack, based on the skater’s sportsmanship, training and teamwork): Tru D. Vicious

NSO Awards

Vulcan Award: Rabid Derby Fan
Swiss Army Official: Sod Off
Game Day Jitters: Moxy Powers
Sucker Award (Rookies of the Year): Big Tasty & Question Mark
Certificates of Awesome: Diamond Don & Em Seven