Cincinnati Rollergirls skaters and support staff came together on Saturday, Nov. 21 at the Christian Moerlein Tap Room to celebrate the end of a successful 2015 season and to honor outstanding achievements on the track. Here are the winners of CRG’s 2015 Wheelie Awards!
Unbreakable Award: Macrum
Roll with the Punches Award: Tie between Macrum & ¡I, Caramba!
Teammate of Righteousness Award: Jillian Dollaz
Standout Jammer: Jas Hubbard
Standout Defensive Blocker: La Bruja
Standout Offensive Blocker: MIRDERHER
Hardest Hitter: Nuk’em
Best Signature Skill: Wheezy
Most Improved: Karli Hustle
Rookie of the Year: Royal T
Fewest Penalties: Poppy Chulo
Best Attendance: Macrum
Congratulations to all the winners and nominees!
To read more about the Wheelie Awards, check out this article from the Cincinnati Roller Derby Examiner.