The Cincinnati Rollergirls will celebrate their 10th anniversary season at the historic Cincinnati Gardens in 2016, with the home opener set for Saturday, March 12.
November28November 28, 2015
The Cincinnati Rollergirls will celebrate their 10th anniversary season at the historic Cincinnati Gardens in 2016, with the home opener set for Saturday, March 12.
Cincinnati Rollergirls skaters and support staff came together on Saturday, Nov. 21 at the Christian Moerlein Tap Room to celebrate the end of a successful 2015 season and to honor outstanding achievements on the track. Here are the winners of CRG's 2015 Wheelie Awards!
This weekend in St. Paul, the best of the best in the derby world are convening at the 2015 WFTDA Championships. There will be sales of the newest skate boots, fresh elbow pads and quippy T-shirts. At the end, through all of it, one team will take home the Hydra - the ultimate accomplishment in the D1 derbyverse.