The Cincinnati Rollergirls end their ninth season at the Cincinnati Gardens on Saturday, May 30 with a double-header against the Fort Wayne Derby Girls and the team's annual Fan Appreciation Night. Tank previews the action.
May29May 29, 2015
The Cincinnati Rollergirls end their ninth season at the Cincinnati Gardens on Saturday, May 30 with a double-header against the Fort Wayne Derby Girls and the team's annual Fan Appreciation Night. Tank previews the action.
Thanks to all the fans from across the galaxy who came to the Cincinnati Rollergirls' first-ever Star Wars Night and for sharing your photos and videos on Instagram! Check them out here or by searching the hashtag #CRGStarWarsNight, and check back soon for photos from CRG's photographers.
Droid photo by Jason Bechtel
The Force was strong with the 2-2 Cincinnati Rollergirls Black Sheep last Saturday night as they cruised to a 299-point victory at an away game against the Quad City Rollers. Could Episode IV of the home season this Saturday night bring a new hope for a winning season? Tank takes a look at the franchise as CRG prepares to battle the Twin City Derby Girls at CRG’s first Star Wars Night.