We have a mascot

Introducing the biggest and baaaadest new member of the Cincinnati Rollergirls family: Our mascot, the Wooly Bully! Become his fan on Facebook, follow him on Twitter and look for him in Monday's Opening Day parade and at our April 17 game. The Wooly Bully's costume was handmade by multi-talented CRG skater Jungle Lacy. Didn't she do an amazing job?

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Watch the Action Online

Can't make it to our season opener? Don't despair! You can watch all the action online with a live streaming video, follow along with a text boutcast and even submit your comments and questions about the games. As Derby News Network says, it ain't at all like being there - but it's close!
» To watch the game online and participate in the boutcast, go to Derby News Network

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Happy Anniversary to Us

Today marks a month since we started skating with CRG as more than curious outsiders. A month since we were initiated into pyramids, squats, bulldozers, plowstops, and the oval.
A month since lazy Sunday brunch rolled off the table, and a month since LOST (and Modern Family, and The Office) became presets on the VCR, and a month since we ceased being just Mary, Ali, Amy, Sarah, Caitlin, Tami.

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9 Month Reserve

This year has been amazing for me and for CRG! We had an amazing season which ended when our travel team went San Diego to play on the bank track, eat amazing food and hang out at the beach. It was also when I found out I was pregnant. Two days before our bout to be exact. That was a surprise for sure. I wasn't sure what being a parent was going to be like and I was very distraught that I wouldn't be playing roller derby for almost a whole season--a near death sentence.

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I ran away with the (Roller Derby) Circus

A few years ago, my boyfriend Lee and I found out that there was a roller derby event scheduled at the Gardens. Roller derby? How fun, right? We knew we had to check it out. We thought it was going to be all elbows to the head and fake fighting on a banked track. We were completely wrong. It was so much better than all that.

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An Email That Changed My Life

On May 8th, 2009, I sent an email that changed my life. Getting bored with continuing school after graduation and looking for a challenge outside of my (wonderful) job as a designer, I signed up to try out for roller derby. I had never actually seen a bout, or met a roller girl in person.

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Nothing Typical

Let’s see… I’m a stay-at-home mom of three young children. I live in the suburbs. I’m quiet. I only have a few strategically placed tattoos. And probably the most damning -- I drive a minivan. When you think roller derby, I’m guessing I’m not what usually comes to mind. I thought the same thing a year ago when I showed up to try out for the Cincinnati Rollergirls, only to realize that there is nothing “typical” about the women who play for this team.

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