Thank you for a FAN-tastic home season! Join the Cincinnati Rollergirls as we take on Kalamazoo Roller Derby in our...
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Game Preview: CRG vs The Universe on Fan Appreciation Night
Join us for the competition, stay for the fun at the Cincinnati Rollergirls’s last home game of the season. It’s...

CRG Announces 2019 Home Schedule
The Cincinnati Rollergirls are excited to announce that they will return to Schmidt Memorial Fieldhouse at Xavier University for the 2019 home season!

CRG’s 2018 Holiday Gift Guide
Still searching for the perfect holiday gift for the Cincinnati Rollergirls fan in your life? Our pack is here to help you keep your holiday shopping on track. You’ll be the MVP of your holiday celebration with these roller derby-related gifts from our sponsors, partners and friends!

Skater Profile: Hustle #89
Watching CRG blocker Hustle in action today, you’d never guess that on her first night on skates, she clung to the rink wall like a cat avoiding a bath (those are her own words — read more of them here). She’s confident, agile and strong, and she always seems to be in the right place at the right time, much to the frustration of opposing jammers.
CRG Moves to Xavier’s Campus
The Cincinnati Rollergirls are winding their way to a new venue in 2017 on Xavier University’s campus! Read the official announcement below.
Skater Profile: Hustle
Before she ever geared up and skated onto a derby track, Hustle (second from left) volunteered for the Cincinnati Rollergirls as a non-skating official and frequently profiled other skaters for CRG's website. Now, after trying out for the team three times, she's a skater herself - and ready to tell her own story.
Skater Profile: Royal T
With her trademark blue Kansas City Royals bandana, relentless recycling of opposing jammers when she's blocking and striking speed and agility when she puts on the jammer star, Royal T is always a standout when CRG's Black Sheep take the track. Here's the story of how she became crowned Royal T, how she's helping to train the next crop of CRG skaters and how she unwinds when she's not winding up to skate.
Skater Profile: Jas Hubbard
If you've been a CRG fan for the past few years, you know the name Jas Hubbard — or Jas "The Hammer" Hubbard, as our announcer The Loud Guy likes to call her (and now she even has a hammer tattoo to match).
It's a fitting nickname, as Hubbard has been an indispensable tool in CRG's offensive toolbox. She had four 100-plus-point games this year, scored an average of 91 points per game and had an average point differential of +65 points per game. All told, she scored a whopping 729 points this season alone. And she electrifies fans as she laps the pack with dizzying speed and agility and lands astonishingly high apex jumps.
We got this powerhouse point-scorer to slow down for a few minutes to tell us more about everything from her derby beginnings to her pre-game rituals to the kind of pizza that's the way to her heart.
CRG Pride Night Preview
This Saturday night, May 19, the Cincinnati Rollergirls will finish their 13th home season and their second season at Schmidt Memorial Fieldhouse on the Xavier University campus with their inaugural Pride Night.